Well, it’s July which means half way to my birthday…. Which means… there’s a bunch of things I want right now, all of which I won’t want by the time it’s actually my birthday. For future reference, here’s my wish list. Some things are easier to get then others.
1. A netbook. Portable laptops just aren’t portable enough are they?! Mine is kind of a monster as far as laptops go, anyway, and something smaller would be nice. Then I’d have like, my phone (baby internet machine), my netbook (momma internet machine), and my laptop (papa internet machine). I could be on Facebook ALL THE TIME! All I’d have to worry about is little girls with golden locks trying to steal them.
2. A trip to Japan. Or anywhere really, but right now, I’m digging Japan. Those cute little Japanese people… aww. I think they must be small to fit on that tiny island of a country! It all makes scientific sense. Ita Daki Masu! Domo Arrigato! Mr. Roboto!
3. A cute apron like this: link to cute apron! How adorable is that?! If I had an apron like that, I’d totally be in the kitchen like ALL THE TIME. Because a lack of an apron is seriously the only reason I never cook.
4. An iPod touch. Just because everyone else has one. And I wanna be cool too!
5. A bouquet of flowers. Everyone deserves flowers once in a while. I’ve gotten then once in my life. And I told the person to buy it for me. FYI: tulips are my favorite!
6. A “Hello my name is…” name tag with the following written on it: “Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
7. The 5 seasons of “The Wire” on DVD. (Even though in a few months everything will be Blu-ray. Damn technology… I can never catch up!)
8. A big, comfortable king size bed. So I can feel cute and petite when I sleep.
9. Some pillows for my king size bed.
10. A room big enough to fit my king size bed.
11. A copy of “Madeline.” because I lost my copy long ago… and it’s pretty much my favorite book ever.
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