[I love this picture. Nitpicky-- Dumbledore needs to be taller...]
HBP is what all the cool kids call it. I’m talking about Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, yo. Ok, I guess we’re not the cool kids. We’re the dorky ones. But you know what? We get to dress up in cool costumes on a night that is not Halloween, and can you say you can do that? YEAH that’s what I thought, you poser.
So I went to the Harry Potter premiere last night. I did NOT dress up, in case you were wondering. Unless you were referring to my awesome new shirt and cute jeans.
Let me tell you, never again could I do it. I love me some dorky things, but I’m more of a dork-reading-in-my-room-by-myself kind of gal, not the let’s go to Comic-Con!!! type of person. In other words, I’m anti-social and agoraphobic.
Here are my random, unorganized thoughts on the movie. SPOILER ALERT if you haven’t seen it yet. (WHY haven’t you seen it yet?!):
-Harry Potter is short. Ginny is way too tall for him.
-Speaking of Ginny, sucks to be her with Hermione totally bringing the hotness. Just makes her look so… plain. She’s actually kinda cute-ish, but Hermione is REALLY cute! And I say this as a person that does not even like movie-Hermione.
-My word processor accepts “Hermione” as a real name! That’s awesome!!! I hate those red squiggly lines!
-Draco Malfoy is tall. And thus, HOT. All hot and tall and lanky in his black suit… yum. He’s a little HFFA (hot from far away), because his face just makes him look old, but how picky can I be? Who am I gonna oogle over? RON?!
-Poor Ron. They didn’t even give him lines in the last scene! WTF?! Way to make him seem useless! He’s not THAT dumb and boring! Ugh.
-Cormic McLaggin was pretty cute too.
-Bellatrix is awesome.
-Dumbledore is mediocre, and it’s kind of sad. Too little Dumbledore, too much Malfoy. Too little Pensieve scenes. Too much… I don’t even know? It was kind of a slow movie, huh?
-The movie was seriously fucking my eyes. Visually, I think it is my favorite Harry Potter. All the other ones looked amazing too, but this one was super enjoyable, I think. Maybe I just never appreciated it before. Since the story felt kind of slow, all the suspense (what little there was) came from the camera movements. Kudos on cinematography, as always.
-I don’t know how they could have made the story more interesting, because it followed the book… but something… some emotional connection or fluid storytelling… seemed lacking. It’s an inherent problem of the medium because obviously not everything can be carried over from book to movie, and through that transition, some things just get lost…
-I’m trying so hard not to be nit-picky but certain things like them just leaving Dumbledore’s dead body laying there for, like, forever, bothers me. I understand not having the funeral, but I wish we could have seen the white casket, Faulks burning… etc.
-Totally just remembered, aren’t certain things involving the Elder Wand important to set up at the end of this movie? I’m guessing they’re just going to change a lot of that, but… still.
-And now I just want to go re-read the book!
1 comment:
I just realized I was the only one on your blog list YAY!!!
Yeah Harry Potter was actually pretty good! Better than the last few movies, quite entertaining. I liked the blond ditsy-ish girl, she was funny. Everything was fairly well done... except I hate how these recent Harry Potter movies never really have good beginnings. They just kinda show the title and start.
Nice review!
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