So I think I’m starting to go from no longer liking Heroes to actively disliking it. Talk about most overrated piece of crap ever. Alright, so I know a lot of people still watch it (why??) but I just gave up after 1 ½ seasons. I devoted HOURS to that show, but all it did was take and take! So maybe I’m a little bitter. But I am a "Lost" fan, so you can’t say I’m not patient.
"Heroes" wants you to think it’s smart, but it’s so not. Superheroes by default are not dumb (obligatory example of “The Dark Knight” belongs here), and they are most certainly not boring (again, see “The Dark Knight”), but somehow this show is both dumb and boring. “We’re cool and epic like 'Lost'!” Is what seems to want to say. The last episode has Future and Present Peter arguing about whether people are good or bad [tangent: Just because the “Five Years Into The Future” episode in season 1 was awesome, doesn’t mean you should just throw them into the future any time!]. Philosophical, perhaps, but their conversation went more like this: “People are good!” “No, people are bad!”
Mohinder said in one episode, “You do not choose your destiny, it chooses you. And those that knew you before Fate took you by the hand cannot understand the depth of the changes inside. They cannot fathom how much you stand to lose in failure...that you are the instrument of flawless Design. And all of life may hang in the balance. The hero learns quickly who can comprehend and who merely stands in your way.” To which I say, just because you say it emphatically in a voice over like that, doesn’t make that speech make sense.
Despite all of Heroes’ shortcomings, I might still watch it if it were just more entertaining. The concept is so interesting, and yet, the execution just falls way short. The creators lack the imagination and foresight to take the mediocre characters anywhere remotely interesting. They borrowed heavily from comics like X-men and Watchmen, and can’t even live up to the original source material. Also, there’s build up, but no pay-off, which is the most frustrating thing. The heroes just seem to be bumbling around aimlessly, making stupid decisions and not interacting with each other. For a show about superheroes, "Heroes" needs more action.
1 comment:
Have you heard anything about the most recent season? Here's what I know: After Mohinder got super powers through drugs, he became all aggressive and did it with the Super Cry girl. Future and present Peter are in conflict... while present Peter, now evil, sends the mind reading cop to Africa. Magically. Sylar is now a good guy who has a 4 year old son. Claire is turning evil. Nikki had amnesia... and then... something about her getting a new super power.
I'm totally not making this up. IT'S TOO AWFUL...
Oh yeah, and Peter's mom is also Sylar's mom. So I guess they're brothers.
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