Anything can be cured with a good film. Here are my top 7 for when you’re feeling cranky, low, or just down right depressed. Yay! Chin up, Sunshine. It’s a bright day.
1. Singin’ in the Rain: Just all-around magical with a cute plot, period costumes, corny jokes (“Cosmo, call me a cab!” “OK, you’re a cab.”), amazing dancing, and joyful singing. The American Film Institute ranked this as the #5 Greatest Movie of All Time. Seriously, it’s that good.
2. The Sound of Music: Nuns, Nazis, and bratty kids interact in beautiful Austria to the beat of a catchy soundtrack. Good times had by all.
3. A Little Romance: If I were to make a movie, I’d want it to be like this. It’s not an ambitious film by any means, but it’s insanely endearing. It stars an adolescent Diane Lane who meets a boy in Paris, and to cement their love (aw, first love), they travel to Venice to kiss at sunset. It also stars Laurence Olivier as their mentor/chaperone. The story is sweet (if a bit unrealistic) and intimate, and the scenery is beautiful. It inspired me to try learning a little French, too.
4. North by Northwest: The movie that made me love movies is one that I can always come back to. Feeling down? Why not watch Carey Grant for a couple of hours!
5. Finding Nemo: Someone else pointed this one out, and I must agree, it’s an excellent comfort movie. The soothing waves of the ocean, the heartwarming story of father and son, Dory and an exciting adventure… so much fun! Visually, the movie is absolutely stunning (oh wow, I sound like Tim Gunn). I could stare at it for hours. Which, I guess is kind of what you do when watching a movie anyway.
6. Speed: One cure for depression is to get that adrenaline pumping! Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves must save themselves and a bus full of passengers from exploding—they can’t drive slower than 50 mph! But the freeway! It’s not finished!! Ahhh!! Made about fifteen years ago, the excitement still holds up. A fun ride to make you forget all your troubles.
7. You’ve Got Mail: I’m all over any movie with Christmastime in New York, honestly. Even better when it involves Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks falling in love. It’s based on an old movie called The Shop Around the Corner starring one of my favorite actor sever, James Stewart. Of course, back then, they communicated via newspaper. It’s the 21st century, though, so YGM is all about the email! Anyway, this movie gives me the warm fuzzies every time, and it’s pretty cute and clever.
Honorable Mentions: The Princess Bride, The Goonies, Big, Hot Shots!, and Back to the Future… basically any movie made in the 1980s.
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