Sometimes it's the little things that keep you going. You can have a craptastic day, and all it takes is one little comment to turn it around. Maybe not completely, but at least it'll stop you from walking straight off the edge.
Scene: Working at retail store developed in hell
Manager: blah blah blah... do a lot of things. SMILE! =D
Me: Ok! (I did not get enough sleep to be doing this... grumble)
Customers: Oooo! That's cute! (gets in my way)
Me: Are you finding everything ok? :] (grumble grumble grumble)
Customers: Yes, thank you.
Me: OK! (grumble)
Little Girl: Can you help me get this down?
Me: Sure! What size do you want?
Little Girl: Oh... small. And medium. And maybe a large.
Me: OK! (seriously???)
Little Girl: (kind of quitely:) You're pretty
Me: (...What? did you just say...) Um, thanks! (OMG CAN I HUG YOU?) Here you go! (SMILING!)
So thanks, little girl. You made my day. And for the record, you are way cuter than I am, or ever was.
Sometimes I wish I was one of those people that could just have random conversations with people. For some reason, people really enjoy having them with me. I would never initiate anything myself.
Scene II: Walking to the bus stop after class
Me: (listening to my iPod-- "nothing says "fuck off" more than a pair of headphones")
Random middle-aged German (?) guy: Good music?
Me: (Did he just ask about my music? I'm not sure I heard right...) *smiles and nods
RMAG?G: You like music?
Me: (*takes off headphones) Yeah. :)
RMAG?G: What are you studying in school?
Me: Um, journalism.
RMAG?G: Oh that's great! You know it's hard to get into because there aren't any more newspapers! They're all closing down!
Me: I know! It makes me worried...
(start to head in different directions)
RMAG?G: Good luck!
Me: Ha. Thanks!!
First of all, kudos for him for approaching me while I was listening to my iPod. That's tough to do. But I always welcome conversations with strangers (seriously-- it can get pretty interesting!) and that was probably one of the most random ones. Usually you're like waiting in line for somthing, but this guy just comes out of nowhere. Plus, he had an accent, which is always awesome. So that day, when all I could think about was getting home and not having to deal with any more people, this guy comes along and gives me a conversation to smile about. Not even a thrilling one with any substance, but just his friendliness is enough.
Conclusion? Yeah... sometimes a little human contact is a good thing (that's what she said), even for those of us who are very antisocial, and slightly agoraphobic, to say the least.
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