Monday, April 7, 2008

because one was simply not enough contain this mind!

Yes, this is my... second blog. The first is public, too, if you care to search for it (please don't, if you know what's good for you. mwhaha). So, this is the filtered version of my thoughts. Yes, the censored ones. It's scary, I know. Mostly I'll post stuff like this, because I hate writing about things I've actually done:

Yesterday I was feeling a little down after work for some unknown reason (ok, the reason was, I had just finished working), and I started contemplating on the notion of how easy it would be to simply disappear. Not in the *poof* I'm gone, way, but in the... if I didn't have a family, I could become entirely insignificant. I could have a job and not talk to any of my co-workers. Live in a small apartment and never meet my neighbors. My abandoned friends would simply wonder for a while where I'd gone to, but eventually I'd just be a girl they once knew, and hey, what ever happened to her? I mean, not that I would ever want to disappear or anything, but... I could, in a way. I guess you'd say that'd just be having no social life, but isn't the "social" part such an important part of "life"? I wonder about all the people who have fallen through the cracks in our society; not the deviants, but the ones who exist for no one. And I wonder if it's by choice...circumstance...fear? Are there people like that? If there were, no one would ever know.

But as long as I'm posting, I won't disappear.

How's that for a first entry? I hope I didn't scare anyone away.

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The Aura of:

My photo
I tend to get obsessive about things for a while, then get over it, and start to wonder what was wrong with me in the first place. Also, having no section for "Favorite TV Shows" makes absolutely no sense to me. That should tell you a lot right there.