Everyone's the star of the their own life, but sometimes I can't shake the feeling that I'm not even the top billing in that. There are some people that Do, and some people that Watch, and what can I say, I'm a watcher. Not in the creepy, stalker way, but lets just say that most of my thrills are of the vicarious variety. I don't think there's anything wrong with being a people-pleaser (to a certain extent), and wanting those around you to be happy, but at the same time perhaps I'm focusing on other people's happiness at the cost of my own.
Sometimes I win awards. I'm not particularly ambitious, but once in a while I'll over achieve. You know what place I always get? 4th. As in, "Well, you did a good job, and you almost deserve a real award. Here's an Honorable Mention certificate." The other award I often get is Most Improved. This one says, "Well, at least you didn't get worse! As if that were possible..." Not that I don't appreciate the recognition, but you know, I think it'd be nice to get 1st once in a while. Or even 3rd. I'm not super ambitious or anything.
So you know that question, if someone were to star in a movie about your life, who would it be? I realized I'd never really be the protagonist in anything. I'd be the quirky, sarcastic best friend to some cute girl with less wit but better luck. I'd give great advice that no one would ever follow. Circumstance would propel her to fame and fortune, or at least get her a guy, and I'd be there to eat ice cream and watch sad movies with her when her heart breaks, right before the inevitable conclusion when all her dreams come true. I'd be the Bonnie Hunt to someone's Meg Ryan. Yes, that's who would play me: Bonnie Hunt.
But you know, even Bonnie got her own talk show, so I think I'm doing alright...
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