Tuesday, July 8, 2008

a happy home

So this is what my apartment will one day look like. I got so ridiculously excited when I saw it. I think it gives me false hope that I'll manage to somehow make it so that all my things don't just look like clutter. See, my enjoyment of simple aesthetics doesn't quite outweigh my desire for material objects. Thus, I collect... pretty much everything. I started doing this thing where I rotate all my knick knacks on display. Like a museum.

Seriously, I go crazy when I find rooms like this. I like: unique artwork, mismatched furniture (that somehow go together), brightly painted bookshelves and lamps (etc), and white sofas. And books-- this room is an inspiration alone because of the number of books it holds. Simply lovely.

I also love this person's house. Just give me a bunch of random shit and I'm in heaven.

So I know it's a little early, but the Web Wednesday of the week is apartmentthearapy.com because I am absolutely obsessed with that site.

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The Aura of:

My photo
I tend to get obsessive about things for a while, then get over it, and start to wonder what was wrong with me in the first place. Also, having no section for "Favorite TV Shows" makes absolutely no sense to me. That should tell you a lot right there.