Friday, June 13, 2008

the sequel

So the poster for the next Terminator came out a couple days ago. Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins. Yikes. Who thought back in 1984 that The Terminator would be the one movie franchise that just refused to die? (AND have its own TV show.) Now, I love Christian Bale and all, but I’m afraid he’s just turning into a masochistic action-movie seeker. Apparently he signed on to do three of these. THREE. The script for this movie must be mind-blowing. …But somehow that seems highly unlikely. Mr. Bale, please don’t make me embarrassed to say I’m a fan (yea, I’m looking at you, Ben Affleck). You know, Tom Cruise refused to do a Top Gun 2 and 3 because he didn’t want t play the same part over and over (yet, isn’t he essentially the same person in every movie anyway?), and I never thought I’d say this but, I wish more actors would sometimes take his lead.

Other inevitable sequels: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (when has a good movie ever had the word “revenge” in it?) and Angels and Demons (which would technically be a prequel?). Yikes. Neither one of the original movies, I think, deserve a second viewing (come on, you have to admit that Transformers was all style, no substance), much less twelve more dollars from me. But at least if I do get suckered into seeing one of these, I can rest assured that neither will be able to match the travesty of National Treasure 2. It was literally the first movie re-shot. IT WAS THE SAME MOVIE.

But maybe it was my own fault… what did I expect? Hollywood, you fiend, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…

[And on a completely unrelated note, Katherine Heigl, shut up.]

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The Aura of:

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I tend to get obsessive about things for a while, then get over it, and start to wonder what was wrong with me in the first place. Also, having no section for "Favorite TV Shows" makes absolutely no sense to me. That should tell you a lot right there.