So the poster for the next Terminator came out a couple days ago. Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins. Yikes. Who thought back in 1984 that The Terminator would be the one movie franchise that just refused to die? (AND have its own TV show.) Now, I love Christian Bale and all, but I’m afraid he’s just turning into a masochistic action-movie seeker. Apparently he signed on to do three of these. THREE. The script for this movie must be mind-blowing. …But somehow that seems highly unlikely. Mr. Bale, please don’t make me embarrassed to say I’m a fan (yea, I’m looking at you, Ben Affleck). You know, Tom Cruise refused to do a Top Gun 2 and 3 because he didn’t want t play the same part over and over (yet, isn’t he essentially the same person in every movie anyway?), and I never thought I’d say this but, I wish more actors would sometimes take his lead.
Other inevitable sequels: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (when has a good movie ever had the word “revenge” in it?) and Angels and Demons (which would technically be a prequel?). Yikes. Neither one of the original movies, I think, deserve a second viewing (come on, you have to admit that Transformers was all style, no substance), much less twelve more dollars from me. But at least if I do get suckered into seeing one of these, I can rest assured that neither will be able to match the travesty of National Treasure 2. It was literally the first movie re-shot. IT WAS THE SAME MOVIE.
But maybe it was my own fault… what did I expect? Hollywood, you fiend, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…
[And on a completely unrelated note, Katherine Heigl, shut up.]
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