Today is a new day. Lately I’ve been eating out too much. Staying up too late. Drinking too much, and then eating some more. It’s so gluttonous and basically disgusting. I don’t exercise. I don’t write. I don’t read. My focus is just… wooosh!
But today is a new day. Admittedly, I was getting fast food, but one step at a time: I didn’t get any fries. I KNOW. Oh how I was craving that salty, golden, fried, waffle-shaped piece of heaven. I could feel its soft warmness in my mouth, and I salivated at the thought. If only I could devour it and start to feel the slow clogging of my arteries… if only. Sigh. I’d do the Snoopy dance of joy. Amazingly, I went for the fruit cup. The overpriced three bites and you’re done snack of unsatisfactory. I still want my fries, dammit. Well, at least as I sit here eating my third chocolate chip cookie, I can say to myself “You’ve done good, kid. You’ll thank yourself later.”