I must admit, I'm pretty addicted to
Glee. Just in time for the hiatus until April. Woo!
I haven't done this in a while...
The Good: Although the first episode felt like some strange mixture of High School Musical and the movie Election, it was also pretty much brilliant. Somehow it managed to hit all the right notes (a pun!) and it was sweet, funny, and damn entertaining. While the rest of the season never quite reached that peak, it sometimes came pretty close. And always, even though they are obviously lip syncing, the song and dance numbers are fun! And the MVP of the series, Sue Sylvester, never fails to be awesome. I can't wait to ride that train next spring; destination: HORROR!
The Bad: Honestly, the characters are pretty blah. Not that they don't have personality, but even the likable ones aren't really people that endear themselves to you. Rachel's the lead character, yet most episodes you just kind of hate her. Will's kind of annoying. Kurt has troubles being gay, but sometimes he's just a bitch. There's Sue, but she's more of the love-to-hate variety. Eveyone's sort of two dimensional, and some characters, like The Other Asian, don't even have lines. I love Glee, but if the show never came back, I wouldn't really care about what ever happened to these characters. All I'd miss was snazzy renditions of catchy songs.
The Ugly: The writing is so all over the place it gives me whiplash. Stupid story lines about fake babies and yearbook defacing... it doesn't go as far as complete satire, yet it's not a realistic show in any way. Sue is a cold-hearted villain who enjoys kicking a person when he's down, yet she has enough empathy to visit her mentally challenged sister every week? I'm just really really confused with what type of show this is. The plots seem to almost act as draping for an excuse to break out in song and dance every week. See if this seems familiar:
Will walks in rehearsal roomWill: Hey kids! I have a new number for us to practice! This is because (it's a new category for competition, Artie's in a wheel chair, we need more hair in our numbers, etc.), so let's get started! Rachel you are the lead!
Rachel smiles HUGELY.
Kurt rolls his eyes.
Mercedes shoots her the death glare.
Finn tries to figure out what the word "practice" means.
Quinn pouts.The singing starts and all the "kids" get into it!Will: That was great guys! We're going to blow them away at sectionals!
Kids cheer!
Sue walks inSue: You look like a lesbian, Will. My Cheerios RULE ALL! I'm going to destroy your little Glee club. MWAHAHAHA.
Will looks angry.
Does it seem familiar? That's because it happens EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.
In conclusion, I'm such a sucker for cheesy musical numbers and get easily sucked into teen dramas. And I'm proud of it!